To complete the online Business Activity Statement:
From 13 November 2023, all types of entities with an ABN excluding sole traders will need to nominate us as their BAS and/or TAX agents before we can commence any work including lodgement of BAS. You will need to use the new agent nomination feature in Online services for business. For more information visit
Once you have nomitated us we will need the following information:
We need to collect some details to be able to complete your BAS.
Your name, dob, address, email, business name, ABN, business structure, ie; sole trader, partnership, company, trust.
The quarter that the BAS relates to, for example January to March 2019.
Total Sales for the quarter.
Total GST collected from sales for the quarter.
Total GST paid on an capital purchases for the quarter, capital purchases are items such as Motor Vehicles, machinery and buildings.
Total GST paid on purchases non capital, this is the GST paid on all your standard business related expenses, for example, telephone expenses, motor vehicle running costs such as fuel, maintenance, registration and insurance.
If you pay employees you will also need the total gross wages amount for the quarter and the total payg withheld from wages.
If you pay PAYGI based on your notional tax assessment and report on your Business Activity Statement you will need the amount if known, if unknown leave this on the form as no. If any notional tax is due this is auto filled by the ATO and will be included in the BAS lodgement.
If possible please supply supporting documentation for the quarter, such as profit and loss reports or reports of GST summary and if reporting PAYGW any wages paid summary. If you are unsure of what is required or seek further information give us a call on 1800 286 227 or complete the form on the contact us page. We are always here to help!