Sorry, if your business activities are not carried out in Australia we are unable to provide our service to you online.
Please contact the ATO for entitlement consideration.
Describe the type of agriculture AND the farming methods your business undertakes.
Examples of agriculture types include wheat farming, salmon fish farming in ponds or tanks, vegetable growing in greenhouses, dairy cattle farming, beef cattle feedlot farming.
Examples of farming methods include undercover farming, for example, greenhouses, and onshore and offshore fish farming. If a mixture of activities are undertaken which contribute similar income, list all the main activities, for example, grain-sheep or grain-beef farming, sheep-beef cattle farming or apple and pear growing.
Your Declaration And Important Information
By submitting this form, I declare that ATO BAS (ABN 98 65 620 110) is authorised to submit an ABN application to the Australian Tax Office on my behalf and to do so as my registered tax agent.
I confirm that I have received the consent of all individuals referred to in this application form, to the submission of their personal information contained in this form to ATOBAS and to the ATO and ASIC as necessary to process this application.
I understand the best structure for my business (Partnership).
I have the TFN, date of birth and name, OR name, address and date of birth for all key people in my business.
I am not applying just because I have been asked to get an ABN as a condition of employment.
I meet a number of the key characteristics of a business, or will once started, for example sourcing my own clients, I can delegate my work to others if I choose, I will invoice for my work and set my rate of pay,
I will have a bank account for my business separate from my own bank account,
I am responsible for my own public liability, professional indemnity and/or workers compensation/income protection insurance.
I can provide evidence that I am entitled to an ABN if requested.
To provide true and correct information in my ABN application. Penalties of up to $12,600 can apply for each
false or misleading statement made in an ABN application.
Once I have an ABN I must keep it up to date (within 28 days of any change) and cancel it once I am no longer trading or carrying on an enterprise.